The person I wish to become is a standard I have set for myself,I cannot be who you want me to be and still be who I am. For I cannot be two people nor do I wish to be.
If I become who you want me to be, then I lose myself completely. And there will be nothing left of me, nothing left to love. And I want to be loved and I want to love myself - exterior and interior from head to toes. My feet, my beating heart, and the very depths of my soul.
...and I want to love it all...no matter how great or small, tiny or tall. I just need acceptance, not from you but from myself. To accept that these features were created for me and no one else.
How can I accept myself for who I am and still complete your rite of passage? Which does nothing but bruise my character and cause crucial damage to the future I dream of because you allow me to believe that if I am who I am now, that these dreams will never be...
If I am who you want me to be, all my charm, zest and zeal will be lost never to return. I can't live this life alone nor can I do it with you depriving me of the things I have earned. You are the undefeated champ, constantly knocking me to the ground and every fight I lose, ends with my voice releasing whimpering sounds...
So you've proposed a challenge now that I'm wounded, lost and don't know who to be...the me I've created and learned to love or the me that fulfills everything you taught me to be... .. .